Author: Zeljko

You want to know important information about vitamin B6? Then you are exactly right here! Because I will compile the essential info about the water-soluble vitamin in this article. It starts with a short profile, continues with the intake and importance for the body, the daily requirement, the risks of over- or undersupply, and ends with the best B6 sources and supplements. At the end of the article you will also find interesting facts about the supply of vitamin B6 in vegan and vegetarian diets. Here is in advance a short Overview for you: ProfileRecordingDaily requirementMeaningOverdoseMangelFoodsVeganFood supplement Notice: This article is…

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Anyone who has never had back pain is a rare species. For many athletes, too, the back often makes itself known unpleasantly. The result is missed training sessions and competitions. A new study now shows that not only back and core training can prevent back problems. Runners, in particular, should also take care of strong legs. Runners should not avoid strength training It should be common knowledge everywhere: If you suffer from back pain, in most cases, you should not take it easy, but move. Above all, a strong core is considered the best prevention. Now a study from Singapore…

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After a lull following the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of bariatric surgery as a treatment for morbid obesity is on the rise again in the United States. And while mainstay bariatric procedures like Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and adjustable gastric banding remain popular options, another type that has become more common is gastric sleeve surgery. Like other types of bariatric surgery, gastric sleeve can indeed be a helpful way to promote weight loss. Yet for all the positives, there are also a number of potential complications that need to be taken into account when considering it.  How Does a Sleeve Gastrectomy…

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All hail the Hot One! Because not only does it stimulate the senses, it also cranks up your circulation. Especially strong – as well as intensifying the taste of foods and drinks, ginger’s aromatic heat enhances your health, too. Ginger, the healing wonder-root Ginger’s tasty spiciness is also said to strengthen your immune system and allay inflammation and pain. It’s believed to help against nausea and aid digestion. Wow – can ginger really work miracles? Whatever the case, this aromatic sharpshooter is revered as a universal remedy in Asia and in Ayurvedic medicine. And if you think it’s only lately…

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Want to learn more about carbohydrates and fiber? Then you will definitely find what you are looking for here! Carbohydrates belong to the macronutrients and are mainly known as fuel for muscles and brain. But that’s not all, of course! I have compiled the most important basics in this article. We start with a short fact sheet on carbohydrates. Then we continue with basic information, the daily need, physiological importance of carbohydrates, as well as the best and healthiest sources of carbohydrates and what vegans and vegetarians should look for in the supply. Here is in advance a short Table…

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If you don’t play sports, it’s hard to understand. So why do millions of people do fitness, or why do they go jogging after an exhausting day? Even if couch potatoes find it hard to believe, the answer is: It’s because regular fitness makes you happy. And science now knows why. How happy we are is dependent on the brain Let’s start with a myth. For decades, endorphins have been held responsible for the feeling of well-being after sport. But until today, there has been no scientific proof of this. They even have a completely different task. They are supposed to relieve…

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The most recent National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey indicates that over 70% of Americans are either overweight or obese (equivalent to a BMI ≥ 25). Yet even though many people attempt to lose weight through various diet and exercise plans, their weight loss efforts often end in vain. Weight loss programs are often discussed in a way that focuses on the individual experience, but that sidesteps a factor that often plays a major role in whether the program will be successful: the influence of a spouse or significant other.   Spouses and Weight Loss Goals  One of the reasons the…

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Are you a morning person or rather grumpy after getting up? Either way, a delicious breakfast puts many people in a good mood – especially after fasting. But not alle breakfasts are the same. In this blog post, you’ll learn what’s important about your first meal in the morning. We’ll show you how to easily put together a breakfast that not only tastes delicious and is filling, but also supports your fasting success in the best possible way. Tasty recipe ideas included. Why a healthy breakfast is essential Intermittent fasting focuses on your fasting periods. After all, this is…

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