Author: Zeljko

By some estimates, nearly three quarters of the United States’ population drinks coffee every day or on a regular basis. The American obsession with coffee isn’t just a love of the familiar flavor, though, because it’s also about the practical effects of one of coffee’s most famous compounds: caffeine. Swinging by Starbucks or grabbing a homemade cup of joe are well-known rituals for millions of people as they wake up to a new day, but not many think about the potential side effects of caffeine. How does it affect us? And, as is often asked by a nation similarly obsessed…

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The prevalence of severe obesity has essentially doubled over the past 20 years, and that has also meant an increase in a number of serious, obesity-related medical conditions. In light of this, more and more people are turning to health interventions like bariatric surgery. In fact, according to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), the number of people opting for a bariatric procedure of any kind has increased more than 60% since 2011. Yet as potentially beneficial as such procedures are, there remain significant risks that must be weighed with the benefits. What Is Bariatric Surgery?      Also…

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Severe obesity has become much more prevalent in the United States in recent years, with about 1 in 11 adults (9%) suffering from it. Standard interventions like dietary changes and exercise routines generally do not make a significant difference, however, and that is why weight loss surgery has become the preferred treatment. Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most common types of bariatric surgery performed today, but the amount of weight one can lose and the timeline of those losses can vary significantly from person to person. How Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Work?    Gastric bypass (more specifically Roux-en-Y gastric…

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With the rise of the popularity of intermittent fasting, also the ancient tradition of extended fasting gains more attention. Fasting for 24+ hours can be a powerful tool for weight loss, improved health, and mental clarity. In this blog post, you’ll learn what extended fasting is and what health benefits it offers. In addition, we’ll provide you with important guidelines that help you get started with prolonged fasting in a safe way. What is extended fasting? Extended fasting is a term used to describe long fasting periods (24 hours or more), in which you abstain from food and drinks…

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As we age, it becomes more important than ever to take care of our bodies and promote our health. One of the most powerful tools we can use to boost our wellbeing long-term is intermittent fasting. Fasting has been used for thousands of years in various cultures as a way to cleanse the body, improve health, and promote longevity. In this guide, we will explore the benefits of fasting for seniors and provide some guidelines for safe and effective fasting. Why especially people over 65 benefit from intermittent fasting As we age, our bodies change. E.g. we lose muscle…

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Intermittent fasting has become a popular method for weight loss and overall health improvement, with many different variations and approaches. However, not all fasting methods are created equal. In this blog post, we’ll define the two main types of intermittent fasting – clean fasting and dirty fasting – debunk some common myths and show you why clean fasting is the superior approach in terms of health and weight loss. What is clean fasting? Clean fasting is a type of fasting where you follow an intermittent fasting protocol and restrict the intake of any calories throughout your fast, consuming only…

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Millet shines as a filling golden grain that will pimp up your body with plant protein power and gets your muscles going. The golden orbs of millet even have something to offer in the beauty department. They’re gluten-free, easy to digest and have a unique flavor – numerous great reasons to crown millet your favorite grain. Performance and power with plant proteins Where can I get enough plant protein to build muscle and fuel my energy level? It’s a question that not only athletes who want to start eating more plant-based foods are asking themselves. A large 100-gram portion of…

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Nov 13, 2023Name: David Rockwell Age: 56 Occupation: Healthcare Administration Meal Plan: Balance-Diabetes Favorite Meals: Breakfast: Whole Wheat Waffles with Blueberry Cream Cheese; Lunch: Lemon Herb Chicken; Dinner: Chicken Parmesan Start Date: May 2023 Starting Weight: 247 Height: 5’11” Pounds Lost: 45 Activity Level: Walking on a treadmill 30 minutes (about 2 miles) a day When I get a craving, my go-to trick is: 100-calorie snacks like pretzels and nuts My favorite app for tracking weight loss is: myFitnessPalWhen 56-year-old healthcare administrator David Rockwell went to see his doctor for an annual checkup in May, he knew walking in that he…

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Nov 20, 2023Heart disease is the leading cause of death in adults, and doctors for nearly 100 years have studied risk factors to try and mitigate their patients’ risk. One of the primary factors they analyze is cholesterol — HDL, or “healthy,” cholesterol to indicate protection, and LDL, or “lousy” cholesterol to indicate a higher risk.However, a recent review of previous studies shows that it’s actually more complex than that. The analysis, published in April’s edition of the European Heart Journal, found that cholesterol gathers together in “balls,” which are unique combinations of small and large particle HDLs and LDLs.”Having lots…

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