Author: Zeljko

Nov 20, 2023Heart disease is the leading cause of death in adults, and doctors for nearly 100 years have studied risk factors to try and mitigate their patients’ risk. One of the primary factors they analyze is cholesterol — HDL, or “healthy,” cholesterol to indicate protection, and LDL, or “lousy” cholesterol to indicate a higher risk.However, a recent review of previous studies shows that it’s actually more complex than that. The analysis, published in April’s edition of the European Heart Journal, found that cholesterol gathers together in “balls,” which are unique combinations of small and large particle HDLs and LDLs.”Having lots…

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by Caitlin H, Nov 27, 2023 Type 2 diabetes happens when too much sugar in the bloodstream disrupts the body’s ability to process it correctly, leading to immune, nervous, and circulatory conditions like heart disease, nerve damage, eye and hearing impairments, skin conditions, sleep apnea, and long healing times.If you are living with Type 2 diabetes, there’s a good chance you know how critical a healthy lifestyle is to manage the condition.   A Nutritional, Healthy Diet Eating a balanced, well-rounded diet is one of the most important ways to manage the condition. Several studies point to how a poor diet…

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A successful workout includes the warm-up, the actual workout, and the cool-down phase. Especially with the nutrition after the workout, you can help your body recover faster. This works best if you take the proper nutrients: An overview of the most important nutrients Any sufficiently intense exercise puts your body under stress. If you train according to your individual abilities, this will lead to a continuous increase in performance. In addition to sensible training planning, nutrition also plays a decisive role. With the right foods, you can support your body optimally. These nutrients are essential after a workout: Why salt…

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Why does my body need protein? One thing is clear: Nothing works without protein. After all, protein is one of our essential nutrients. Proteins are vital for building and repairing muscle. And that’s not just true for athletes. Proteins can be found in every cell, in bones and tissue. They make our hair, nails and skin strong and durable. Hormones, blood clotting, immune response – all need protein to work.   Will protein help me build muscle? Sure, our muscles are made predominantly from proteins. Without them we wouldn’t be able to lift a finger. But for any couch potatoes…

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Black Panther star Sterling K. Brown revealed a few of his tips for maintaining his famously chiseled physique. The main pointer, though, he distilled into one word.“Peloton,” the 47-year-old actor recently told People. “I got the bike. I got the treadmill. I love the workout classes.”Brown was promoting his role in the upcoming satirical comedy American Fiction when discussion turned to his wellness plan. “I try to eat well—a lot of protein in the morning,” he continued. “You have the carbs in the morning, so you can burn them all throughout the day. Hydrate, a lot of water, good for the…

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Calf pain is common whether you are a runner, soccer player, fitness junky, or a tennis crack. According to research, about 12 percent of all intensively training athletes have to struggle with it. And overtraining is not always the cause. What you should know… Men have calf pain more often 125 years ago, a British medical magazine reported calf pain in tennis players for the first time. The scientists, therefore, called the problem tennis leg. Today the painful problems in the calf area are widespread among athletes. Male runners and football players are particularly often affected. How do calf pain manifest itself…

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Want to learn more about the connection between the trace element cobalt and your health and diet? Then you will definitely find what you are looking for here. In this article I have compiled the most important information about the nutritionally still rather unknown trace element. At the beginning you will find a profile – then we talk about basics, daily requirement, importance for the body, possible deficiencies and overdoses and foods. Finally, I will also give you valuable tips on whether – and if so, what – vegans and vegetarians should consider regarding the intake of cobalt. Here is…

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You want to learn more about iron deficiency, recognize it faster and treat it properly? Then you’ve come to the right place. Iron is one of the most important building blocks of a healthy human body. Unfortunately, a deficiency of the trace element is widespread in many Western nations and can be recognized by a variety of physical symptoms. Since an iron deficiency often remains undetected, I would like to help with this article to ensure a sustainable supply of iron. Let’s go! Here you can find a short overview in advance: Briefly explainedSymptomsCausesTreatmentClosing words Notice: This article is not a…

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Your brain works at top speed every day. It registers what is going on around you and what your senses are reporting back to you. It learns, remembers, and solves complex problems. It focuses, communicates, and controls. What a tough job! So it’s a good idea to give it the perfect working conditions to keep it healthy and happy. But what does your brain need to perform at its best? Dr. Philip Gorelick, an expert in neurology and long-time volunteer with the American Heart Association (AHA), explains.   Caring for your brain at any age You can and should work…

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Don’t give cold viruses a chance! These tips will help you prime your defenses and leave germs out in the cold. When your body’s in tip-top condition, you’re ready to face the winter. No coughing and sniffling for you this year – bring it on! Eat well to boost your defenses It goes without saying that the bodyguards in your immune system need the best nutrition for optimal performance. A balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain products is ideal for your many specialized immune cells. And don’t forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of water…

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