Author: Zeljko

Your brain works at top speed every day. It registers what is going on around you and what your senses are reporting back to you. It learns, remembers, and solves complex problems. It focuses, communicates, and controls. What a tough job! So it’s a good idea to give it the perfect working conditions to keep it healthy and happy. But what does your brain need to perform at its best? Dr. Philip Gorelick, an expert in neurology and long-time volunteer with the American Heart Association (AHA), explains.   Caring for your brain at any age You can and should work…

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Don’t give cold viruses a chance! These tips will help you prime your defenses and leave germs out in the cold. When your body’s in tip-top condition, you’re ready to face the winter. No coughing and sniffling for you this year – bring it on! Eat well to boost your defenses It goes without saying that the bodyguards in your immune system need the best nutrition for optimal performance. A balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and wholegrain products is ideal for your many specialized immune cells. And don’t forget to drink at least 1.5 liters of water…

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Snacking really is simple: When you start to get peckish, simply grab a snack, shove it in your mouth, done! Okay, we all snack from time to time. But how smart is it really? With a bit of knowledge and a little planning you can become a better snacker. Aramark dietitian Ilona Just reveals some super-simple tips on how to snack smarter.   Do you really need a snack? A snack gives you a little boost of energy in between your main meals. It provides the fuel that keeps us going until our next meal. In this way, snacking helps…

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“Most people don’t think about their immunity until they get sick. Now we know how important it is to have a strong immune system,” says Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Nutrition at Penn State University, and Immediate Past Chair of the Lifestyle Council for the American Heart Association. Dr. Kris-Etherton studies the role of nutrition in preventing disease. We sought her advice to help all of us better understand how the immune system works, and what you can do to keep yours in tip-top shape.   How your immune system works Your immune system is your body’s natural defense…

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Who is the protein power champion? Do you know the dream team in the battle to become protein power champion? The winner is: Potatoes and eggs! Okay, that might sound like a boring loser team, but it really is the hidden champion of protein combinations. Second place on the podium goes to the milk and wheat team, closely followed by the egg and soy duo. Among the purely plant-based teams, it’s a combination of beans and corn that wins the trophy. But what makes these teams such successful suppliers of protein? Amino acids: Building blocks for protein power “The better…

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The good news is: Just a few minutes of self-care can help reduce stress and improve your wellbeing. Treat yourself to a small 15-minute break to unwind, refresh and relax. Everyone should be able to spare 15 minutes for a break. And it’s always time well invested, because afterward you’ll feel better and able to complete all of your tasks more quickly and easily. As an old Japanese saying goes: When you’re in a hurry, slow down or take a detour. So Take15 and outwit that stress.   Why TAKE15? Studies have shown that taking short breaks at work reduces…

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Clean eating is very popular right now. More and more people want to eat more natural, less processed food. In this interview, our nutritionist Ulrike Moessner explains why clean eating is so important to so many people and how Aramark’s foodboost program can help you to eat more natural food. Why does clean eating appeal to so many people? Over the course of many discussions and nutrition counseling sessions, I have determined that nowadays more people think about what they’re eating and what they personally need to give them enough energy for the stress of daily life. Many have realized…

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Luscious lentils rather than steak One ever-present plant-based meat substitute is tofu. But did you know that pulses grown right here at home also pack real protein power? Beans, peas and lentils of every color, shape and size form the basis for tasty new recipes. Nuts and seeds such as sunflower and sesame seeds are also great sources of protein and provide us with essential fatty acids. The current trend is: Put more plant-based protein on your plate! We’ll show you how you can get your daily dose of protein from plan-based sources and discover new taste experiences in the…

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Carrots, mangos and apricots beam at us in sunny yellowy-orange colors that promise valuable nutrients. Colorful carotene provides vitamin A and disarms free radicals. Read our tips to find out where it can be found and the best way to extract it. Carotene isn’t just in carrots Carotene is actually just the flagship of an entire group. Over 750 natural yellowy-red pigments come under the name carotenoid. Yellowy orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots and apricots predominantly contain α-carotene and β-carotene. The orange variants such as mangos and oranges contain more β-cryptoxanthin. Tomatoes shine red with the help of…

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These oddly named peas are packed with power and guarantee fun in the gym, in the kitchen and on your plate. Chickpeas strengthen you with plant proteins, which in the right combination will get you into top form. As nutritious as a small steak, and wonderfully versatile in the kitchen. Chickpeas make powerful plant proteins fun. As rich in protein as meat Are chickpeas really as nutritious as a small steak? At least when it comes to protein, pulses can easily hold their own against meat. Anyone wanting to include more vegetarian or vegan dishes in their diet will find…

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