Author: Zeljko

Protein-rich lentil pasta salad – super easy, quick and healthy Just lately, I’ve been asked more and more for recipes and tips on how to more easily meet your protein needs. In fact, protein is also often the macronutrient that, along with carbohydrates and fats, often gets a bit of a raw deal in the general diet. Mostly, this is because our favourite foods are often a combination of carbohydrates and fats: Pizza Margherita, pasta with pesto, bread with cheese, French fries… Lots of snacks also have either mainly carbohydrates like fruit or fats like nuts. Meeting your protein needs,…

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Simple, homemade pea guacamole I have to admit that I used to love eating avocados, but my sustainable conscience kept reminding me to reduce my consumption a little. Not only because avocados use a lot of water, but also because they are not a local “fruit or vegetable” in Germany!? By the way, the correct answer is fruit! Botanically speaking, the avocado is a berry and is, therefore, a fruit! While avocado guacamole will always have a special place in my heart and will certainly end up on my plate from time to time, it’s worth giving guacamole made from…

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Once the favorite diet of bodybuilders, carb cycling has long since conquered all areas of fitness. The cyclical carbohydrate intake depends entirely on your activity. On intensive training days, you eat more carbohydrates. On calmer days, you reduce your carbohydrate intake. But what are the real benefits of carb cycling? Sometimes more, sometimes less carbohydrates Carb cycling is not a diet. However, this does not mean that it is easy to implement. It is about adapting low-carb days and high-carb days to the training process. Also, you increase the amount of good fats on the low-carb days and decrease fat…

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Fortunately, the choice of healthy and fit foods today is enormous. It is even better to combine some foods because they work much better as a duo. Food synergy is the name of a nutrition trend that is easy to implement and has been proven to help improve fitness. How food synergy works Several foods are incredibly healthy for us. Some can help us recover faster after a strenuous fitness program. Others support muscle building or boost the immune system. But we can get much more out of some foods if we combine them with other foods. This nutritional concept…

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Intermittent fasting is a big thing these days. Millions have already tried it. Many with success. But how does intermittent fasting actually get along with regular fitness training? What do I have to pay attention to? Nutrition experts all over the world have examined this. Here are the results: The different variants of intermittent fasting During intermittent fasting, phases of normal nutrition alternate with phases of renunciation. There are several approaches. Some alternate a day of fasting with a day of normal nutrition over and over again. This is the 1-to-1 method. Others usually eat from Monday to Friday and…

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It is an alternative for early risers or people who have to work later: they can exercise before breakfast. According to a study, this is supposed to burn excess fat remarkably quickly and effectively. But is that really true? Is exercise before breakfast advisable? What the study found out Actually, it sounds quite logical: after the nightly sleep phase, the carbohydrate reserves in the body are primarily used up. The physical exertion in the early morning finally leads to the remaining glycogen being used up. For the organism to continue to perform, the body has to fall back on the…

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You can exercise regularly and according to a sophisticated and customized plan. But if your diet isn’t proper, all your sweaty efforts are almost always a waste of time. Therefore, here are the four most common nutrition mistakes that sabotage your fitness goals: First mistake: abandonment of carbohydrates For some time now, protein diets, ketogenic diets, and paleo diets have been trendy among many fitness athletes. These particular diets are designed to boost fat loss by getting the body to use fat as its primary fuel source instead of carbohydrates. Protein is viral because it is needed for muscle repair…

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This is very annoying. You train super diligently and regularly, stick to the plans and give your body the necessary breaks – and still, it doesn’t want to work out with the muscle building. A lack of choline could be to blame. A new study shows this. Choline is a micronutrient If choline is missing from the diet, it is nearly impossible to build muscles. This is shown by a new study presented at the annual congress of the American College of Sports. Choline is a micronutrient. The body converts it to the much better-known acetylcholine. And this acetylcholine performs…

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Jogging at heart rate has numerous benefits. But which ones? Heart rate while jogging is actually the right one and how can you determine it? With this blog article I would like to give you an introduction to heart rate-based training and tell you everything about the right heart rate when jogging. You will know: Why jogging at heart rate? How do I determine the correct heart rate when jogging? Running zones 1×1 – which pulse for which goal? Why jogging at heart rate? Do you want to train effectively? Then you can’t just limit yourself to jogging harder, longer…

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Knee pain when jogging affects an incredible number of runners and is one of the most common complaints. But what can you do if you are affected by runner’s knee? Which exercises will help you relieve your knee pain when jogging in the long term? In this post you will find out: How does knee pain occur when jogging?Symptoms of runner’s kneeTreat runner’s knee – exercises & training plan against knee pain when joggingTreating Runner’s Knee Phase 1: Pain ReliefTreat runner’s knee Phase 2: Rehabilitation training and exercises for knee pain when joggingTreating runner’s knee Phase 3: Getting back into…

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