Author: Zeljko

Jogging at heart rate has numerous benefits. But which ones? Heart rate while jogging is actually the right one and how can you determine it? With this blog article I would like to give you an introduction to heart rate-based training and tell you everything about the right heart rate when jogging. You will know: Why jogging at heart rate? How do I determine the correct heart rate when jogging? Running zones 1×1 – which pulse for which goal? Why jogging at heart rate? Do you want to train effectively? Then you can’t just limit yourself to jogging harder, longer…

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Knee pain when jogging affects an incredible number of runners and is one of the most common complaints. But what can you do if you are affected by runner’s knee? Which exercises will help you relieve your knee pain when jogging in the long term? In this post you will find out: How does knee pain occur when jogging?Symptoms of runner’s kneeTreat runner’s knee – exercises & training plan against knee pain when joggingTreating Runner’s Knee Phase 1: Pain ReliefTreat runner’s knee Phase 2: Rehabilitation training and exercises for knee pain when joggingTreating runner’s knee Phase 3: Getting back into…

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How does it actually work? effective training at home? Can you actually train sensibly in your own four walls? Whether building muscle, athletic training for runners or general fitness – home workouts are incredibly popular. In this article you will learn how to get the most out of them and train effectively at home. Awaiting you: Effective training at home – is it possible?Can you train at home just as well as in the gym?This is what you need for effective training at home“Starter package” for effective training at home:Equipment for advanced home workoutsEffective training at home – 5 tips…

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They are always around, and they are spreading at breakneck speed through social media. One fitness challenge is to keep planks as long as possible. Another is to train for a six-pack in 30 days or run a marathon. But it is not always a good idea to take part. Do not be fooled by great photos Of course, it looks impressive: Photos of attractive women and men posing their impressive abdominal muscles are a feast for the eyes. But remember the same shot two or three weeks later, but then it should look completely different. Because just for this…

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Even the untrained can clearly feel the small bumps. Trigger points are found everywhere in the body. Many people don’t know that they are one of the most common causes of sports injuries. And they cause discomfort not where they are found but in a completely different place. Doctors and therapists can nevertheless treat them specifically. What are trigger points? The human body consists of around 650 muscles. Usually, they tense up and then relax again. However, in the case of incorrect and continuous strain, too little movement, injuries, and stress, they can become tense. This causes a muscular imbalance.…

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Overload and fatigue, incorrect movement and sometimes just bad luck. Every year, millions of athletes suffer sports injuries. And that even in supposedly healthy sports.Many of these injuries could be avoided by following these 6 tips: It can happen from one second to the next Even a slight wrong movement can be enough to get a sports injury. Sometimes you can’t help it, but many injuries can be avoided. It is vital to listen to your body. Because in what is actually a healthy fitness workout, fatigue or overload is often to blame. It has been proven that millions of…

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They are noises that many know from their own experience. With some movements, they can even be quite loud. But do I need to worry if my joints are cracking and popping when I’m exercising? As long as it doesn’t hurt, probably not. But you should know a few things about cracking joints. What causes cracking joints? Medicine can scan the body with millimeter precision using modern equipment, but how cracking joints occur is still not fully understood. There are only theories: One says that joint surfaces separate from each other during some movements, making sounds similar to suction cups…

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