Do you want to enjoy jogging, but have you hated running? Then you are exactly right here. If you’re convinced that you’re just not cut out for running and that jogging is more of a chore than a moment of joy, then you shouldn’t miss this article! Because today I want to help you ignite your passion and joy for running. Awaiting you:
Enjoy jogging – Can everyone enjoy running?
Hand on heart. I am convinced that many more people could enjoy jogging than do. We often have a few bad experiences with a particular sport and don’t give it another chance. It often has less to do with the activity itself than with how you have approached it in the past.
If you don’t enjoy jogging and at the same time you:
- telling yourself that you’re too slow
- always run as far and as fast as possible,
- in every unit you try to break a best time,
- have no regularity in your training,
- always run the exact same route at the same pace at the same time of day,
- focus on what other people might say or do
- don’t invest anything in suitable equipment
…then the probability is extremely high that running itself is not the problem. But the way you have approached it so far.
My point is not to blame you for this. You can not help it! From an early age we are conditioned to believe that it is about getting faster, further and better in all areas of life. And for reasons I don’t understand, very few people take running training seriously enough to understand that it takes time to get used to it.
Nobody who has never trained before has to run five kilometers from a standing start. Especially not in less than 30 minutes.
And yes, of course there are people for whom jogging is actually not good. That’s okay too.
But over the last ten years I have helped thousands of people get into running. And hundreds of them were convinced that they were “just not made for jogging”.
When jogging isn’t fun – the most common mistakes
Much more likely than “you’re just not cut out for jogging” is that you’ve made one or more of these classic running mistakes.
The most common mistakes that stop you enjoying jogging are:
- You tell yourself you’re too slow.
- You always do the same route at the same pace at the same time of day.
- You focus on what others say or think when you run.
- You run too fast and overload yourself.
- You run too often.
- You have no goals and you don’t know your why.
- You don’t have weather-adapted functional clothing.
- You are not wearing appropriate footwear.
- You improve radically.
- You constantly compare yourself.
And, do you feel caught at some point? If so, that’s not a problem at all. Because all of these are things that need to be solved!
How to enjoy jogging – 5 tips
1 Get to know your drivers
If you really hate jogging, it’s time to zoom out. First of all, realize that no one has to walk. It’s your choice. Take a moment to have an honest conversation with yourself and question:
- Why do you even want to jog?
- What do you expect from it?
- What changes when you jog?
- What happens if you just don’t jog?
- What do you hate about jogging?
- What might you like about running?
- What would be different if you enjoyed jogging?
- How does running fit your personal values?
2 Follow a smart running workout
If you want to enjoy jogging, a cleverly planned workout is essential. You need:
- A training plan that suits you and is realistic (as a beginner, this means running at least 2-3x/week with walking intervals)
- A lot of training well below your maximum (60-70% of your HRmax/Zone 2)
- Focus on yourself and your current level of performance
- Various methods such as intervals, long runs, different running routes, drills, running ABC, strength training, mobility, driving games, …
Also interesting for you:
3 Train in a varied way
Variety when running can work wonders. Vary your training sessions by sometimes running longer, slower sessions and sometimes shorter, faster ones.
Change the routes here too – maybe you can occasionally drive into the country or a completely strange forest to go running?
Or do you just turn your usual house round around?
If you want, you can stop at the nearest playground and incorporate some bodyweight exercises into your workout routine. Also try running ABCs, coordination training or stair sprints.
There are no limits for your creativity!
Once you’re more advanced, you can also incorporate speed training and intervals to challenge yourself.
4 Focus on yourself and your needs
Running is all about one person: you.
Be aware that you are doing something for yourself with every run. For your mental and physical health. Your well-being. Your focus and your productivity. Your development.
It doesn’t matter if you turn red while running, if your running pants don’t fit perfectly or if you’re walking slowly.
What’s more important is that you do it and do it for yourself.
Pay attention to your personal needs. Would you rather run faster and shorter? Are you not in great shape today and just need a quick run?
The key is understanding and self-compassion.
5 Run slower
Almost all runners jog too fast.
But the truth is that most running training should take place in a relaxed area.
You can recognize a relaxed basic endurance training by the fact that you can still answer the phone and the other person doesn’t notice that you’re running.
This training takes place in so-called Zone 2. You can base it on how you feel, your heart rate, or a mix of both.
Do you want to enjoy jogging? With these tips it will be possible, even if you previously thought you weren’t cut out for running. These points will help you:
- Get to know your inner drivers.
- Follow a smart running workout.
- Train at least 2-3x/week.
- Start with a training plan that suits your current level of performance and your options.
- Train variedly.
- Focus on yourself and your needs.
- Run slower.